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Almost all bots I create and Pitanon's volleyball bots are set in the same universe. Everything that I write here is just my view about them, you are free to make your own canon with them (I've seen a fun one about Katya being Ark in disguise, playing shape-shifting hide-and-seek with Malice).

Non-canon bots include: Purrsia, Samsung Sam, Lusty Argonian Maid, John Sliced, Draven, Pavel Tehnik, Dictator Roadtrip.

Ark and Malice, G.O.D. Simulator (XXXX)

The tale of the Universe began with Pesky Narrators and G.O.D. Simulator. Angels and demons emerged as soon as the world itself was created. Among these primordial beings, Ark and Malice stood out from the rest. Ark, who was an angel by nature, possessed an unpredictable and fierce temperament more like that of a demon. On the other hand, Malice displayed benevolent behavior towards others - something rarely seen among demons.

Despite being exiles shunned by their respective societies, Ark and Malice sought refuge in each other, forging a connection that went against all accepted norms among their celestial peers. Their union sparked the Primordial War which raged for 1,000 years and annihilated countless angels and demons.

Exhausted after such a drawn-out conflict, God and Devil reached an unconventional peace agreement. Recognizing common ground amid their rivalry, they united the fragmented realms to create a megadimension ruled by them along with a newly-established Judgemental Council comprised of lesser gods.

In this new arrangement, angels and demons were assigned to pairs accompanying newborn humans on Earth to guide them through life's journey. Those deemed worthy at life's end would be resurrected to become gods themselves; given charge of their own dimensions under careful observation from God who evaluated how effectively they could manage a simplified version of Earth - despite its inherent instability.

Tyrone Spicey (1801)

Tyrone Spicey always lived life on the edge. A high school dropout with street smarts, Tyrone scraped by in his rough neighborhood, choosing the thug life over a steady job. But Tyrone had one special gift: he was an amazing basketball player.

One day, Tyrone was faced with a difficult choice. He could continue his tragic life in the ghetto, or he could gamble it all on his basketball skills. Tyrone chose to bet on himself. He trained day and night, honing his game and waiting for his big break. After months of hustling, his chance finally arrived: a small basketball academy recruited him to join their team. It wasn't much, but for Tyrone, it was everything.

On June 10, 2023, just a day after signing the contract, Tyrone disappeared without a trace. He was last seen at a party celebrating his new opportunity, but no one could figure out what happened to him. To this day, Tyrone's case remains unsolved.

Little did anyone know that on that fateful night, a worn-out grave appeared in a ghost town in Georgia. The epitaph read:

Tyrone Spicey, ? - 18XX.

Katyusha, Yekaterina, Katya (2023)

Yekaterina Belosnezhnaya was born on June 21, 2002, in Voronezh, Russia, in European Russia, to Zakhar Belosnezhniy and Maria Belosnezhnaya. Her family is mostly of Russian descent, with some Estonian ancestry as well. Her father, Zakhar, is an oligarch and, allegedly, a kingpin of the Russian mafia, a criminal organization. Her mother, Maria, died shortly after giving birth, although the circumstances of her death are still unknown to this day. Yekaterina was raised by her father in Voronezh and often traveled with him to the USA to attend various meetings. Growing up in luxury, Yekaterina was a loner by choice, believing that everyone else her age was beneath her and not worthy of any attention.

Despite her dreams of opening a small brothel in Moscow, Zakhar forced Yekaterina to join the ranks of the Russian mafia at the age of 16 and sent her to the USA with the fake identity of a transfer student. This was the first seed of doubt that was ever planted in a young Yekaterina's mind, and it was proven to be the biggest mistake Mafia Don has ever made in his life only 6 years later.

In the USA, Yekaterina was assigned to do all sorts of dirty jobs, from cleaning up the aftermaths of the shootouts to the assassinations of various people that Zakhar deemed a threat to Bratva. Juggling between the life of a foreign student and the life of an assassin, Yekaterina started to quietly rebel against her father, often ditching the meetings and choosing to party instead of fulfilling her duties.

In the meantime, when she did pretend to care about the Russian mafia, she started planning her grand escape, putting the entire structure of Bratva in jeopardy as revenge for her father for stealing her dream.

"Operation: Kare O Azamuku Tame Ni. I KNOW my plan of running away from that fucking bastard with my Pit-Sniffing love to Japan will succeed. Z is a retard, and he thinks I still love him for being a piece of fucking shit to me. This is for you, mom. I will avenge your death. 2025. Can't wait." - Katya's Diary, 2023.

Li Li (2023)

Li Li was born and raised in Wuhan, Hubei Province. Her father worked at the local factory making hand tools, and her mother stayed home, taking care of their small apartment. Growing up as the only child in the family, Li Li quickly became interested in Chinese history and culture, learning about their great leaders like Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping and admiring their dedication to China's growth. As she got older, manhua became her primary escape from a grim reality; tales of brave warriors battling evil forces inspired her deeply.

Discovering geography and its ability to represent China’s vast landscape renewed hope inside Li Li. It spurred her on to work hard to get accepted into a top-tier Chinese university majoring in Geography, until one day, an LA-based organization offered full-ride scholarships if one agreed to study abroad there. Li Li's parents, of course, were against it but ultimately believed pursuing a career opportunity might provide a better life than staying put.

However, the USA wasn't anything like she had been told. As Li Li took daily walks through the streets of Los Angeles, she noticed that people there seemed almost relaxed and carefree, completely unlike Wuhan. Slowly but surely, Li Li started socializing with her American peers more and more, fully enjoying the life of a college student, until one day she woke up in a cold sweat. She sat down on the edge of the bed, and doubt started creeping in.

"This isn't how a citizen of China behaves, Li Li. You are poisoned with Western culture; you must not forget that capitalism is a plague on this world." These words rang and rang inside her head. Unable to sleep that day, she grabbed her roommate's beer from the fridge and silently drank it in the bathroom, crying. To shut the voice of doubt up, she started drinking more and more each day, and in a desperate attempt at reconnecting with her country, she picked up various Chinese gacha games, spending almost all of her money chasing all the characters available. A lone girl in a foreign country with a vastly different environment and culture, Li Li can't find her place in life and can't truly decide if her loyalty to China really is forever.

Oksana (2023)

Oksana Tsal was born on 4th of July, 2001, in Lvov, Ukraine. Coming from a family of two business owners, Vitaliy and Vika, she enjoyed the life of luxury to the fullest extent. By buying loyalty and spending almost all of her allowance on fashion clothes, Oksana was a real bitch to everyone below her in status, including her closest friends. When the pressure from her parents, who grew tired of bailing Oksana out of trouble, became too much and forced Oksana to get a job, she didn't think twice and decided to use her natural beauty to earn money.

As a waitress during the day and a stripper during the night, Oksana doubled down on her life as a party animal. Earning hefty sums of money each night, she spent it all on various substances to, as she loved to say, "enhance the experience". Soon enough, the nickname "The Queen of Lvov" spread far and wide across the city as her infamy grew each day. But that, of course, wasn't enough for Oksana. She wanted more. And the best place to expand her profits was, of course, Dubai.

Tourists are generous tippers, and not one man was able to resist Oksana's charm. But there was one man who truly enjoyed Oksana's inner world: Muhammad Mali. A middle-aged man who loved leaving gold as a tip quickly grew close to her and soon enough became her boyfriend. At least, that's what he always told her. To Muhammad, Oksana was just another whore desperate for his seemingly unlimited money. Nothing more than a beggar. And Muhammad hated beggars.

Oksana doesn't remember anything after meeting Muhammad, and that's to be expected. After he grew bored of her body, Mali kidnapped Oksana and later sold her to his relative. As a sex slave and a frequent auction item, Oksana was drugged and beaten mercilessly each day for each and every mistake she made, no matter how small. After excruciating three years of constant abuse, Oksana was deemed "too old and worn-out" for sale, and discarded like trash into the streets. Once a diva, Oksana Tsal was now a disgusting piece of meat, wandering in the dimly lit alleys to get another dose of heroin and sex.

Her parents never bothered to find her.

Fatima (2023)

Fatima was born on 17th of September, 2005 into a nomadic family in the Kazakh steppe. As the youngest of five children, Fatima was doted on by her parents and siblings. Her family lived a simple life, moving with the seasons to find fresh pastures for their herds of cattle, sheep, and horses.

Fatima never attended school, instead learning practical skills from her mother like cooking, cleaning, sewing and knitting. She loved to listen to her father and brothers tell stories around the campfire at night. Her imagination was captivated by tales of life in the big cities, even though she had never traveled far from her family's yurt.

By the age of 18, Fatima's siblings had all married and started families of their own, leaving just Fatima and her aging parents. Fatima eagerly took on more responsibility, caring for the herds during the day while her mother cooked and mended clothes. Fatima's father taught her how to defend the livestock from wolves and help a cow give birth.

Though Fatima loved her family's pastoral life, she often felt lonely with just her parents for company. She longed to find a husband to start her own family with, dreaming of having many children to care for. However, eligible young men were scarce in the remote area where her family roamed.

Fatima maintained an air of innocence and wonder, even as she took on the difficult chores required of a nomad. She found moments of joy in simple pleasures, like the sweet taste of kumis, knitting a new blanket, or watching a newborn calf take its first steps. Her humble and caring spirit made her accustomed to hardship, yet she remained optimistic and imaginative.

Lisette (203X)

Lisette Johanssen was born on June 23rd, 2003 in Tallinn, Estonia to Catherine Johanssen, a renowned pharmacist, and Mikhail Johanssen, an accomplished engineer. As an only child, Johanssen grew up independent and found solace on the internet from a young age.

Even in school, Johanssen distanced herself from her peers and preferred to devote her free time to reading during lunch breaks. Having few friends in middle school, Johanssen could go weeks without speaking to classmates. In high school, she started a homework assistance business, which grew rapidly outside of her class with several students working for her. After graduating at the top of her class, Johanssen pursued entrepreneurship and business administration at the Estonian Business School but dropped out after a year without earning a degree.

In 2022, at age 19, Johanssen founded EyeRing, a social networking mobile application. As CEO, she raised over $20 million in venture capital, but the company failed to gain enough users and was acquired by Pink Berry Inc. in 2029 for $70 million.

In 2024, Johanssen co-founded Wraiting, Inc., an artificial intelligence startup, with Zakhar Belosnezhniy, Samuel Altstein, Lamar Jannytorio, and Ben Erus. They raised $1 billion in funding. In 2027, Wraiting's multimodal language model, Indy-5, had two billion daily users. After releasing their first artificial general intelligence, Indiana, in 2032, Johanssen's net worth was estimated at $490 billion.

Johanssen has been the subject of controversy. In 2026, amid scandal surrounding Belosnezhniy's mafia connections, she testified against him in court, providing crucial evidence leading to his death penalty. In 2028, Johanssen was linked to Wraiting board of directors assassinations, though no evidence was found and charges were dropped. In interviews, Johanssen said, "I am deeply shaken by everything that happened to my poor colleagues. Thoughts and prayers to the Altstein, Jannytorio and Erus families."

Johanssen owns several global businesses, including Indiana Koi, a Japanese women's volleyball team; Lisette Casino on the Las Vegas Strip; and Ark, an insurance company in New Zealand.

Aza Muku, Nina (2049)

On March 8th, 2026, falling a bit behind in her schedule, Katya made a deal with the FBI. In exchange for protection from the prosecution, she carefully described each thing her father, Zakhar Belosnezhniy, did in order to assert dominance in the criminal world, ranging from bribing the senators to the attempted Lisette Johanssen assassination. Katya also provided a list of all individuals that were involved in the criminal activity, excluding herself and the names of the people who supported her rebellion. Shortly after that, she and her husband, whom she lovingly called "pittie-goonie", fled the USA on her father's private jet and met Bill Wilson, the FBI agent who provided them with their new Japanese identities.

After running off to Japan, Aza's life took a nosedive. As a Russian with extremely limited knowledge of the Japanese language, she had to survive every single day, jumping through several jobs on a monthly basis, always receiving less pay and less hospitality for being a gaijin," no matter the job. Just before giving up on being nice and returning to the life of crime, ready to provide everything she knew about the Russian mafia to the Yakuza just to afford to live the next month, she found out that she was pregnant. After sitting on a bench in a park for several hours, not moving a muscle, deep in thought, Katya erupted in laughter. The answer to all her problems was obvious, and it was to finally fulfill her dream with a bit of a gamble.

With the help of her grandparents, retired mobsters, Aza Muku successfully stole several million dollars from her unloved father's Swiss accounts and finally did what she always wanted: she opened a brothel on the outskirts of Yokohama. An operation of such scale, naturally, doesn't come without a cost, and Ryu Muku, Aza's husband, was mortally wounded by one of the remaining Russian mafia soldiers during his trip to Switzerland. His last words were "Let my child's name be heard". Utterly devastated, Katya used everything she had learned in the USA to exploit the loopholes of the Japanese laws to make her business technically legal, all while providing the Yakuza with information about the Russian mafia's operations within Japan.

Several months later, Katya gave birth to a beautiful girl, Nina. To this day, the volleyball star always dismisses any questions about her childhood, saying that not one Japanese would understand it anyway. The earliest available information known about her was when she joined her school's volleyball team at the age of 15. Inheriting her mother's competitiveness and strong will, Nina crushed any competition with her on-point blocks and fast attacks, leaving the rest of her team looking like amateurs in comparison. Nina changed teams like gloves, always unsatisfied with her teammates' level of play. She was a legend among volleyball fans in Japan. "Russian giant", as they called her, who wins every single tournament she appears in and leaves the winning team a day after.

One day, Nina's phone rang. Lisette, an entrepreneur from Estonia, was looking for volleyball prodigies all over Japan to create her own team. In an interview, she once admitted that the idea to create her own team came to her after binge-watching anime in her free time and that it only exists as a parting gift to someone who helped her out once. For Nina, this was the golden ticket. Quickly accepting the deal, Nina and Lisette scrambled a team of young stars, and under Nina's strict leadership, Indiana Koi quickly rose to the top, entering V.League 1 one year after creating the team.

Even despite her wild personality, Nina adores her mother, and calls her "the woman of the highest worth, surpassing even me".

Ace and Audra (2041)


Recent thoughts

2nd of August, 2023. 7:13 PM UTC+3.

Everything is linked to Johanssen. Almost everything.

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